Wednesday, October 29, 2008

a blog post abt nothing!!

Festival a little blog post abt nothing...I thought. Just a little flashback about the movie NAM AREALONDINA...
Some five years ago ..when I was busy making my short films and sending them to festivals and the likes....when I was busy editing a short film of mine...suddenly the 'idea' of doing a film like NAM AREALONDINA came to my mind....
The film ofcourse had no name yet..and so I had called it a 'short film about love'...!!
I grabbed the nearest piece of paper lying in my dirty studio and scribbled the oneliner of the film ... The idea haunted me and so I thought I will write down the opening scene of the film.
I did it. That's it..! I was sure I was to make a film of it one day. Time passed in.. a couple of years passed by before ...
I was standing outside the set of a tv serial I was acting in..and suddenly this thought came back to me... I was like....'shit..! What happened to that idea?' I started building up a story line to the whole thing but nothing was working out. That night... when at a result of the innumerable conversations about love that were happening at the set... I actually thought of ...'why do people fall in love?" Various people for various reasons' I told myself...
I started writing down incidents about this guy and this girl who fall in love and all hell breaks loose...! So...slowly...the script was taking shape...finally one day...
I actually closed the 'book' I was scribbling in saying' ready to shoot'!!
That was it!. I woke up the next day and decided to make a short film about the same which later i planned to make a movie of... I wanted to get people interested in the project. I asked a couple of friends of mine... who were actors too to act in my film for free and they kindly obliged. I made it very clear to them that if I would make a film of the same..they might even not be in it. They smiled and agreed... they probably thought this guy would never make one!!
Nyways..soon we started shooting for the short film and twas great fun.
Then I hired ( for free) a good friend's very well equipped editing studio and sat down to edit that film... believe me .. I had ended up making a one and half an hour long film.
One of those days I called ARJUN home and we sat down to see the film together. He liked much that he said I will do the rr etc for it. There goes.. me and him at my place...for a week and a half...we did the rr for that movie and that was the time he actually composed a couple of songs for the movie to be done too. SO NICE OF HIM..
After the movie was ready I showed it to my dear friend Nagendra Jois and he loved it. He agreed to produce it ........
And the ride began....! I mean the roller coaster began....!
More about the roller coaster in the next post...


Shyam Attiganal said...

Wow.. shd have been fun :) After all life's not fun without the ups and downs :) and those thrills....

“Life is a roller coaster, you have your ups and downs unless you fall off” - Anonymous

Nimagu, nimma sampoorna NAOD team gu haagu samastha Blog-shakarigu (like veekshakaru and prekshakaru) Deepaavali habbada shubhaashayaglu (belated?) :)

savitha said...

yeah, feels good to read this. After all, haven't I in a very vague manner been part of all this!