Was shooting in mysore for NAM when I met these brit tourists who asked me the name of ma film… I told them and then they asked me about the language of the film .
How I wish I had said …CINEMA HAS NO LANGUAGE.. But… ‘KANNADA’ I shouted. They understood. Only, my friend next to me assumed they had’nt.
He went on to explain that the kannada film industry is called SANDALWOOD and that we make films for SANDALWOOD. The tourists must have felt like they had just bit into a hot masala dose with alugadde palya and kempu chutney.. (assuming they love the taste) for they had a smile on their face . ‘Where are you guys from? Ma friend asked . ENGLWOOD ‘ pat came the reply. The glint was there and that sarcastic smile .
For once, some one please explain why film industries in INDIA have to be this wood or that wood.. !
My problem with the wood’ word is it sounds too plastic for an art as serious as cinema…! Nyways..that way…the kannada film industry is better than its other counter ‘wood’ parts because SANDALWOOD atleast represents something… a cultural symbol… that’s ok!
I read this website called Gandhada gudi .com and loved the name. Its about Kannada cinema and it is not called ‘SANDALWOOD.com.
Gandhada gudi …. One of ma fav films too… We have very few films in that genre nowadays…
Naaa haaduva nudiye kannada nudi…
Naaviruva thaanave gandhada gudi…shree gandhada gudi… ahaaa ahaa…
I hope we stop calling the film industry SANDALWOOD and atleast call it Gandhada gudi for change… better still call it the KANNADA FILM INDUSTRY.. KFI … sounds technical!
Hi Aravind, You have exceptional writing abilities.. I really enjoyed reading all your blogs especially the lastest one on SANDAL WOOD & Gandhadagudi..!!!
You seem to be a very natural writer meaning to say that you can easily translate what comes to your mind into words meaning exactly the same!!..
Are you the dialogue writer for NAOD!!.. The little bit of dialogues in the Trailers itself are so entertaining, engrossing and at the same time has a great local touch to it..!!
'Mostly nam cinemaadal chennaagirOd Enu illa ansatthe.. heroine obbLanna bittu.. avLu antha sundri enalla.. aadru iddidrall Okay.. mikkiddella kharaaaaabu.. '
Wonderful dialogue that.. Somewhere these dialogues reminds me of UPPI in his hay days..
Keep up the good work!!
Ranga (www.gandhadagudi.com/forum)
Hi Arvind,
Now I got the perfect word for the punch in the dialogues of NAOD traier..
That was what I was referring to when I said it reminds me of UPPI's dialogues when he was at his peak in A, UPENDRA time..!!
Again all the best..
Ranga (www.gandhadagudi.com/forum)
thanks for the feedback. Writing is ma favourite passtime...and film making gives me a great opportunity to transform thoughts into dialogue.
Abt..UPPI...am really humbled by that comparison because to me he ws someone who created that impact so beautifully on screen..with the way he used the local dialect and stirred it up with question marks...A and UPENDRA dialogue still rings in ma ears... the best to me in A was that shot where he mutters GREAT WALL OF CHINA while climbing up a wall...THAT WAS FUNNY AND STATEMENT LIKE TOGETHER..
I Dont think we ourselfs thought anybody from the industry will ever refer to GG lik this.. Really heartening to hear that. As u said one still wonders why we have the woods attached to all the film industries...
And yes ur movie dialogs are catching up with most pple.. So many of them told me... "hey aa picture dialogs ontara different agi ide.. nodbeku maga" ..
I agree with you Aravind on the 'woddy' business.it cheaply imitates "Hollywood'.
Hollywood actually is a district in California,where the studios and movie stars are located,so "Hollywood" is often used as a metonym of cinema of the United States.
hi arvindh,
i saw ur trailer of the movie...i would also like to give u some tips to increase the hit count of ur promo on utube. in tags u have mentioned only trailer,plz add kannada noir trailer video songs arvindh kaushik
and stuff and so on....ur video will gain appearance in related videos and more people will get to see ur movie
Totally agree with you on Indian Film Indutries using the 'wood' word. Is this lack of Innovation or is it giving out a message that many of our films are "inspired" from hollywood.
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