my very own film noir! That's what NAM AREALONDINA is...
Followers of the noir genre might laugh at me when i say nam arealondina is a noir film.. but actually it is. There is a femme fatale...there is deception ...there is crime and the film is DARK!
If one could classify it further as a sub genre in noir... nam arealondina would be reality noir!
Whatever that is! Deception, crime and darkness are an eternal part of reality. Aren't they?
And nam's content was born when i was thinking about the darker side of a love story where eveything is not good and glorious. Man falls in love not when he is in the reality sphere...he falls in love when he is dreaming... And when the dream turns into reality....its fine and then reality turns into a nightmare..! GOT IT? That's why NAOD becomes a noir film....
The poster is Impressive..
"New Wave Cinema Is Old"
another saying which you had told a few years ago..keep going!!
Hi Arvind,
What's this noir all about? .. I haven't heard anything like that earlier..
As said by Sandeep, the posters are impressive.. But, at least the title & other title card details should be visible properly though other areas shaded intentionally give that effect..
When is the Audio releasing? ..Can you give us an insight into the Audio like how many songs are melodious, how many mass targetted kind etc., Also, how many are duets?..
How about the picturisation of the songs? .. Have you followed any new concepts while picturising the songs? .. Who is the choreographer?..
uffff.. so many questions for you to answer ;-)
All the best again..
Ranga (www.gandhadagudi.com/forum)
Namarealondina community on orkut..
Everybody please join..
Ranga (www.gandhadagudi.com/forum)
new wave cinema is old!! magaa...i said that? Wow!...
Nywz...abt the poster its not the actual colour...because i was talking of noir...i just played with it and posted it..
Ranga.... the audio is releasing very shortly and will be in ur ears all the time i promise...
Thats because im sure you wil like it . Like mentioned in the promo there are six songs in the movie... arjun and me have been working on these songs for four years now!!! Mass numbers ...yes...there is a tappang song called thalenovvu which is sure to give you a headache..
Then there is a hip hop song called kanyamani whose lyrics are gonna make u trippy...
Manmathana, nenape and kaapaadiko are the melodies...
there is a bike song called jamaise which is gonna rock!
thalenovvu is what i call 'loose nan makkala haadu'...
noir means dark...i think its french! Generally , films that are dark...or carry concepts of deception and crime are called noir films...i was trying to compare that category to my film style...
Great.. Thanks for the info.. Looking forward to the Audio..
Liked your clarity of thought...as for me, if the director has achieved (in his mind, of course) what he has set out to do, then, he should be fairly satisfied. As for the audience, it is like any work of art, that can be interpreted at umpteen levels....
hey kaushi...this film is nothing less than a noir...this is a noir with a desi taste....as u said this is just not a graphical depiction of a noir, rather it is more reality based.....but surely to the viewrs they need to be given a slight flavor of what they can expect yet keeping them unbaised.....again they need to also know this is not something done out of desperation to show something different and new....its just a director's design and all are invited to come and view it.....correct me if i am wrong [:)].
Very well said "My very own noir" because I have seen so many films in this category out of which 'Satya' was path breaking film (I am talking bout Indian Cinema) which made everyone to think if they should follow the same formulae kinda film making or should they follow this newly built and polished road constructed by RGV. Well i guess that was his own noir. Many did manage to build beautiful buildings on the same road but no one dared to build their own road parallel to his.
When Arvind narrated me the script for the first time, he gave a break in between and took me out for a coffee. We went to a road side tea stall and ordered for 1/2 coffee and as it arrived, we both took a sip from our respective cups and he asked me 'How is it?'
I replied 'The coffee is great'.
'Thanks but i am asking about the first half i narrated'.
That was a thud on me. I was like (to myself) "Dude, what is he saying? I thought he was just picking up some scenes randomly from the movie which he is most fascinated to shoot. How on earth will he be able to narrate a story in this fashion?"
Arvind was still waiting for a reply. That ting smile on his face told me that he wanted to hear something good and I was in no condition to say good things as I had my own doubts. I had met him for the second time, first time was no conversation day, so I had to start politely.
I finally broke my silence ' Its good..... (Smile on his face turned pale as if he is getting disappointed)....but... (Suddenly the disappointment turned back to one more kinda ting smile as if he was looking for it{he has many of these kind})...but... I am confused......'
'Ah...(That ting smile turned to be a satisfied smile) Walla... That's what i want. I don't like people when they have junk food during interval' he said.
'Well i wanna keep them so confused that they shouldn't get up from the seat n should wait for the movie to resume so that they can get rid of all their confusion. Wokey, now let me narrate the second half and clear ur confusion too' as he told this, we had reached his office and the narration began. He took half an hour to narrate the second half. I was thrilled and this time he dint have to ask me how was it. Definitely it was his very own noir because i had never seen this kind of story telling ever before (I am talking bout world cinema). Well somebody has finally dared to build his own road n not even parallel but perpendicular to all roads any film maker has ever built. Well, definitely his very own noir
Yup Koushi you said that ..you can have it on the Poasters of the film...
"New Wave Cinema is Old"..so start watching "Reality Noir"...
A poaster with these words in one of our film societies would be ideal..
santhosh...i totally agree with you when yu say we shud let people know that this wasnt a film done in desperation to show we are different. That's why in one of the posts , i said..if at all we are different ...it is only because we are different and not trying to look different...
Rakshit boy...! Some memory pwr u have..ha? U rmbr day 1 and day 2 of our meetings...!! Hey, but that parallel and perpendicular thng was superb...Dude you have a great sense of understanding of cinema!
Sndp..... yes...i think we must hang those posters in front of all those film societies and let them know that new wave cinema is old..not old but ancient actually
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